The photograph shows guards at the Truce Village of Panmunjom within the demilitarized zone (DMZ) that divides the Korea Peninsula into North Korea and South Korea. The geopolitical setting of which of the following countries can be explained by its membership in the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War and its location along the European shatterbelt? Based on a comparison of the two maps shown, which of the following processes occurred in Europe during that time period? Which of the following statements is helpful in explaining why Iran and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are able to assert some control over the export of oil from the Persian Gulf oil-production region? Unit 1 Geography: It’s Nature & Perspectives 2009 Question 1 Scale FRQ Scoring Guidelines 2008 Question 2 C. The Taiwan Strait is a militarily strategic chokepoint that China and Taiwan claim as territory. AP Human Geography (See the Current Unit for daily schedule/activities) 2 Pop & Migration. Which of the following best explains the global geopolitical significance of the Taiwan Strait? 2.3k plays . C. Local and regional governments create the potential for conflict and act as a centrifugal force within the larger independent states. The reapportionment and redistricting of the of the United States House of Representatives that occurs every 10 years, Residents of Maryland's Third District could legally challenge the redistricting of the area shown on the map because they identify it as being, D. a gerrymandered boundary that guarantees a political party's seat within the United States House of Representatives. AP human geography UNIT 4 DRAFT. The DMZ border was agreed upon as part of Korean Armistice Agreement at the end of the Korean War in 1953. AP Human Geography (See the Current Unit for daily schedule/activities)‎ > ‎ Unit 6: Industrialization & Development 2017. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. To learn more about MCQs and go more in-depth on the process, make sure to check out the APHuG Ultimate Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) … AP Human Geography. E. Territoriality, because communities are expressing power and political control over the landscape. Which of the following geographic concepts best explains the efforts to preserve a single official language in such communities? E. Sudan and South Sudan's border is a transition zone between Africa's Islamic northern region and the Christian and animist regions of sub-Saharan Africa. E. A concentration of the majority of the country's Muslim population on one island, leading to ethnic separatism. The set of genes expressed in each cell is unique, which allows the cells to perform different functions. B. Which of the following identifies the scale of governance that would be most affected by an individual local voter in Purcellville? Preview this quiz on Quizizz. multiple-choice questions, and this raw score is converted into a composite AP score on a 1–5 scale. Modern agribusiness produces large quantities of food, so answers (A) and (C) are incorrect. AP Exams are not norm-referenced or graded on a curve. Which of the following best explains the implications of the shaded area shown on the map in Darfur? Instead, they are criterion-referenced, which means that every student who meets the criteria for an AP score of 2, 3, 4, or 5 will receive that score, no matter how many students that is. A state in which government decisions are made at the national level and applied uniformly across the state. It should not consume your life. The thyroid gland stimulates and maintains metabolic processes and lowers blood calcium levels. A. Devolution of large states into smaller nation-states. It looks like your browser needs an update. Which of the following types of political boundaries best describe the border between the United States and Canada? unit 2 enduring understandings - what you need to know & understand Knowledge of the geographic patterns and characteristics of human populations facilitates understanding of cultural, political, economic, and urban systems. 9 months ago. B. Unitary states tend to be smaller than federal states. B. Free-Response Questions Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. C. Darfur is a region of ethnic difference and political instability where devolution is likely. But you should set aside a dedicated chunk of time each day (and stick to it!) Any activity that fulfills a human want or need and returns money to those who provide it, A permanent collection of buildings where people reside, work, and obtain services, Provide services to individual consumers who desire them and can afford to pay for them; 1/2 US jobs; Retail, health, education, leisure, Facilitate the activities of other businesses; 1/4 US jobs; Professional services, transportation services, and financial services, Provide security and protection for citizens and businesses; 10% US jobs, The country's nth-largest settlement is 1/n the population of the largest settlement; Developed countries; Federal governments common, variety of services, more distributed wealth, The largest settlement has more than twice as many people as the second-ranking settlement; Unitary governments common, centralized services hub for ESP (Not eN), Explains the relative size and spacing of towns and cities as a function of people's shopping behavior; Many small settlements with small threshold/range services; Fewer large settlements, services with large thresholds and ranges; Walter Christaller-1933; Based on studies of southern Germany, A market center for the exchange of goods and services by people attracted from the surrounding area; Threshold and range determine which services will be available, Predicts that the optimal location of a service is directly related to the number of people in the area and inversely related to the distance people must travel to access it, The area surrounding a service from which customers are attracted; Nodal region, The maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service; Humans: Go only a short distance for everyday consumer services and long distance for other services, go to the nearest available service, and think of distance in terms of time, not miles, The minimum number of people needed to support the service, Exports primarily to customers outside the settlement, Serves primarily customers living in the same settlement, Urban settlements that play an especially important role in global business services; Center of the flow of information and capital; Divided into alpha, beta, and gamma; New York City and London two dominant, Number of headquarters for multinational corporations, financial institutions, and law firms that influence the global economy, Hosting headquarters for international organizations and capitals of countries that play a leading role in international events, Presence of renowned cultural institutions, influential media outlets, sports facilities, and educational institutions, A major international airport, healthcare facilities, and advanced communication systems, How Basic Businesses Bring Money to the Local Economy, New basic businesses attract new workers to a settlement; The new basic business workers bring their family with them; New nonbasic services are opened to meet the needs of the new workers and their families, The process by which the population of urban settlements grows; Dimensions: Rise in percentage of people living in urban settlements, Rise in number of people living in urban settlements, An agricultural-based community in which a number of families live in close proximity to each other, with fields surrounding the collection of houses and farm buildings, Characterized by farmers living on individual farms isolated from neighbors rather than alongside other farmers in settlements, Consists of a central city and its surrounding built-up suburbs, An urban area with at least 50,000 inhabitants, An urban area with between 2,500 and 50,000 inhabitants, Downtown- Best-known and most visually distinctive area of most cities; The ones of older cities are often situated along a body of water, a principal transportation route prior to the 20th century; 3-D Character: More space used below and above ground level than elsewhere in the urban area; Land uses commonly found elsewhere in the urban area are rare in the CBD because of intense competition for land, City hall, courts, county and state agencies, libraries are historically downtown; Sport facilities and convention centers stimulate more business, Offices cluster because of accessibility; Advertising, backing, finance, journalism, and law firms because close to professional colleagues; Central location = workers from all over, Retailers with High Thresholds: Department stores, accessible to many people, less threshold = stores moving to suburban malls; Retailers with High Ranges: Specialists with customers who patronize them infrequently, less threshold = moving away, some stay for tourism; Retailers Serving CBD Workers: Office supplies, computer, clothing, shoe repair, increasing because more office workers in CBDs, shop during lunch hour, A city grows outward from a central area in a series of concentric rings; E.W. The map shows the world's newest country, South Sudan, formerly part of Sudan, and the Islamic region of Darfur, which is seeking some level of political autonomy within Sudan. by bhaskaransiddharth_21352. In a typical human cell, only about 20% of the genes it contains are expressed (even less in muscle and nerve cells), even though almost all the cells in the organism contain the same DNA. The pancreas raises and lowers blood glucose levels. D. Cell phone use weakening corrupt governments. Played 108 times. McGee of SE Asia; Several Nodes of squatter settlements and "alien" zones where foreigners (Often Chinese) live and work; CBD functions dispersed to several nodes; Complex mix of ethnic groups (Ex. Finish Vocabulary for Unit 2. Each Personal Progress Check contains formative multiple-choice and free-response questions. The feedback from the 9th - 11th grade. The correct answer is (B). South Sudan gained its independence in 2011, reshaping the boundaries of Sudan. The map shows the Taiwan Strait. Using the information shown, which of the following geographic principles explains the conflict in the Falkland Islands? Tuesday 3/31: MyAP Review (Unit 3 MCQ Progress Check) 3/31/2020 0 Comments ... you should increase the amount of time you spend thinking about AP Human Geography. Burgess in 1923; The CBD is the most important aspect of the city; As the city grew, the inner zones encroached on outer zones and residents began to move further away from the CBD and were replaced by immigrants and lower income families, A city develops in a series of sectors; Certain areas of the city are more attractive for various activities, originally because of environmental or chance; As a city grows, activities expand outward in a wedge, or sector, from the center; Homer Hoyt in 1939; Most expensive housing built at outer edge; Recasting of concentric zone model to reflect railroads and transportation patterns; The CBD is the most important aspect of the city; Low income households are found in close proximity to railroad lines & other major transportation routes; Land rent (for commercial, residential, industrial) could remain consistent all the way from the CBD to the city's outer edge, A city is a complex structure that includes more than one center around which activities revolve; C.D. Which of the following describes a typical spatial relationship between federal and unitary states? In comparison with the east-west divide between Darfur and the rest of Sudan, which of the following centrifugal forces led South Sudan to seek independence from Sudan? Based on the map data, which of the following best explains a factor that has led to ethnic separatism in Belgium? C. Boundaries limit sovereignty and determine the extent of a state's power within the global political system. Tags: ... AP Human Geography Ethnicity, Race, and Political Geography . AP Human Geography: Unit 4 Progress Check: MCQ (I couldn't get all of the pictures for some of the questions) Terms in this set (30) The area shown with the dark shading is best identified as Their location along the choke point of the Strait of Hormuz allows them to influence ship movement into and out of the Persian Gulf. 3 … Also attached below are a Review Packet and a list of topics that are on the Unit 2 Test Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. Which of the following technological examples is best used to compare the effects of local-scale and global-scale political challenges to state sovereignty? AP Human Geography- Unit 2: Population and Migration. The political boundaries of North Africa and the Middle East can best be described as the product of which of the following processes? Which of the following statements accurately compares the processes of devolution and supranationalism that challenge the sovereignty of Canada? Which of the following describes a unitary state? Which of the following patterns is best explained by the data in the tables? Comprehansion check 2. These maritime boundaries can best be described as. Which of the following best explains the effect of the DMZ on the Korean Peninsula as a culture region? ... AND CHECK YOUR ANSWERS. Based on the information shown in the map, Nigeria can be identified as a. Previous question Next assignments/26071335 € → e Cullen AP Classroom Unit 2 Progress Check: MCQ Part A 0 Question 2 The following table shows Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. AP Exams are regularly updated to align with best practices in college-level learning. Apartheid); Old colonial port zone surrounds the commercial district (Export-Oriented), similar to NA CBDs; No formal business zone, separate clusters, Influenced by spread of Islam; Central mosque surrounded by public services (Schools, Soup Kitchens) and citadel (Fort); Residential areas reflect ethnicities/tribes/branches of Islam and central courtyards rather than individual yards, A city that has 10 million people or more, Walkable Mixed-Use Commercial and Residential Areas, Many urban areas are too reliant on automobiles for transportation, which results in obesity due to inactivity, asthma from car exhaust, and car crashes; Portland, Oregon keeps an urban growth boundary, skinny streets program, invested in bicycling and walking instead of roads, Type of urban planning to create walkable blocks and streets, housing, and shopping in close proximity (Mixed Land Use), and accessible public spaces (Greenbelts); Obstacles: Existing zoning system, Public opinion, Legislation and regulations to limit suburban growth and preserve farmland; MD: Discourages the state from funding new highways and other projects that would extend suburban sprawl and destroy farmland; OR & TN: Defined growth boundaries that new developments can occur in, A residential or commercial area situated within an urban area but outside the central city; Existed on a small scale since ancient times-Residential areas located outside walls surrounding a city; More extensive suburbs appeared in 19th century, as cities grew in Industrial Rev, The development of suburbs at relatively low density and at locations that are not contiguous to the existing built-up area, An urban area consists of an inner city surrounded by large suburban residential and service nodes or nuclei tied together by a beltway or ring road, The number of houses per unit of land diminishes as distance from the center city increases; Changes: Fewer people living in the center (Gap) and fewer differences in density within urban areas, A Greek word meaning "Great City"; MSAs in NE US form one continuous urban complex, extending from north of Boston to south of Washington, DC (Called Boswash Corridor); Chain of connected cities, Most customers live there; Downtown sales down and suburban sales up; Concentrated in malls; Suburban residents don't want a long trip to CBD for goods/services, Suburbanization of Business Services and Factories, Rents lower than in CBD; Shorter commute; More space, cheaper land, better truck access, Peak hour; The four consecutive 15-minute periods that have the heaviest traffic; Strains transportation systems, In most cities, minimal or nonexistent; Historically, poor transportation- RR enabled people to live in suburbs and work in central city, trolley too; Peaked in 1940s- Then cars got popular; Subway systems- fares don't cover operating costs, Process of converting an urban neighborhood from a predominantly low-income, renter-occupied area to a predominantly middle-class, owner-occupied area; Single people and couples without kids who aren't concerned with the quality of inner-city schools are attracted; Called/criticized as subsidies for the middle class at the expense of those with low-income- Forced to more out because of high rents, The process of change in the use of a house, from single-family owner-occupancy to rented apartments and ultimately to abandonment; Not good for a neighborhood to have a deteriorated house, A process by which financial institutions draw red-colored lines on a map and refuse to lend money for people to purchase or improve property within the lines; Families who try to fix up houses in the area have difficulty borrowing money, Government-owned housing rented to low-income individuals, with rents set at 30% of the tenant's income; In mid-20th century, public housing unsatisfactory and demolished, especially high-rise apartments; Diminished by 1 mil units in US 1980-2010, lower funding; Governments says poor families forced to move reimbursed for moving and rent increases, Group in society prevented from participating in the material benefits of a more developed society because of a variety of social and economic hardships. Explain Thomas Malthus's population theory. Which of the following best explains the primary function of international political boundaries? NATO is a good example. The correct answer is (A). 5678 times. AP Human Geography Exam 2001 2014 Categorized by topic below are all FRQ exams from 2001 2014. Plantations (D), while found in less-developed countries, are also part of agribusiness because they grow large quantities of food. Please ... class—for each unit. George Washington followed it. Start studying Unit 7 AP Human Geography-Multiple Choice. The population counts shown in the table would most likely be used for which of the following purposes? C. Centrifugal forces are present in Quebec, whereas the free-trade agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico challenges the Canadian government's independence on a national level. Oh no! In 1993 Belgium divided much of its internal government into three semiautonomous regions. Check out the daily schedule for each unit. Which of the following best explains why the countries shown in the table experienced increases in economic productivity? 71% average accuracy. Day 8: 3/16-17/2017 posted Mar 15, 2017, 7:07 PM by Joseph Gardner organization of the AP Human Geography curricular components, including: § Sequence of units, along with approximate weighting and suggested pacing. In locations such as the Caribbean Sea, international borders between island states are determined by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Start studying AP Human Geography unit 7 test. Not all free-response questions on this page reflect the current exam, but the question types and the topics are similar, The “FRQ” link connects to the corresponding exam and the “Scoring Guidelines” links to the rubrics designed by AP readers. 12/1/20 - 12/2/20: Classwork: Unit 3 Test (2 days) Day 1: 45 Multiple Choice Questions; Day 2: 1 FRQ Homework: 1) College Board Unit 3 Progress Check - due Wednesday, 12/2 @ 11:45 PM C. The Korean people are divided into a multistate nation that has a common heritage and ethnicity. AP Exams are regularly updated to align with best practices in college-level learning. ... forming alliances is necessary to keep the Heartland in check. Unit 1 Progress Check (Due Tomorrow), Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz/Homework/Summary Questions (Due Tuesday 1/26), Unit 1 Test (Thursday 1/28), Unit 1 Project (Due Sunday 1/31) Tuesday 1/26 Objective(s) TSW the three pillars of sustainability, and be able to identify examples of both natural and man-made impact on the environment. E. Self-determination following decline of communism and admission as member states to the European Union. 0. Which of the following identifies the primary building blocks of the world political map shown? 2/10/2019 0 Comments ... and any helpful resources if the "hint" words on the slides isn't ringing any bells for you--the lecture slides and quizlet flashcards should help you if the title of the slide and image isn't enough of a hint of what might be on the test. AP Human Geography Exam Free-Response Question and Scoring Information Archive. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. AP Human Geography: Unit 4 Progress Check: MCQ (I couldn't get all of the pictures for some of the questions), The area shown with the dark shading is best identified as, D. The area shown with the dark shading is best identified as. B. Syllabus and Parent/Guardian Sheet; Unit 1 – Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives; Unit 2 – Population and Migration; Unit 3 – Cultural Patterns and Processes; Unit 4 – Political Organization of Space; Unit 5 – Agriculture and Rural Land Use; Unit 6 – Industrialization and Economic Development Harris and E.L. Ullman in 1945; Some activities attracted to particular nodes, whereas others try to avoid them; Edge Cities- Nodes of consumer and business services; Originated as suburban residences for central city workers, then malls came in, now business services; CBD is not the sole force in creating land-use patterns; Shows the shift from manufacturing cities to post-industrial cities; Economic activities tend to cluster together and rent-paying ability/land price values vary throughout the city, Harris 1960; Expands on Multiple Nuclei Model; Mini- Downtowns at key locations along transportation routes (Edge cities, like zones 3-8, economic areas, not necessarily its own city); Study of Detroit/Des Moines- Describes the spread of the city outwards to the suburbs, leaving a declining inner city; Little class differences in suburbs- One residential area; Surrounded by beltway- Highway/Interstate- Services off of exits; Business services grow as suburbs grow, The nodes of consumer and business services around the beltway, Much of the newer housing in outer rings is high-rise apartments, not houses; Rich in center, near royal palace, and poor and factories on the outside; Most ethnic and racial minorities reside in suburbs, Have more inhabitants than North American CBDs; Contain more day-to-day consumer services; Most prominent structures are public services- Churches, parks, etc; NA CBDs have more skyscrapers because these want historical preservation; Have higher rents because of more limited space, Ernest Griffin and Larry Ford of Latin America; Wealthy people push out from center in a well-defined elite residential sector- Forms on either side of a spine that contains offices, shops, etc- Water and electricity more available; Wealthy and middle-class avoid living near sectors of "disamenity"; Two-Part CBD- Traditional market and modern high-rise; Zone of Maturity- Middle-class housing; Zone of In Situ Accretion- High population density of modest housing; Periphery-Periferico- High density shanty towns of extreme poverty and no services, T.G. Current Unit: 5 Agriculture. Geography. Review for Unit 5 Summative MCQ + FRQ. C. Divisions are based on language, providing ethnic groups some self-governance and preserving Belgium as a federal state. Which of the following features is a common characteristic of unitary states? How do these local and regional governments compare with the national governments of Spain and France? Based on the data shown in the map, which of the following best explains the political divisions within Belgium? Play this game to review Geography. Chapter 2 & 3. AP Human Geography Multiple Choice Help (MCQ) For Section 1, you have 60 minutes to answer 60 MCQs, and this section is weighted at 50% of your exam score! 20 Qs . DRAFT. Hitler followed it. Local and regional autonomous governments and a separatist militia group have been established within the Basque region shown on the map. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. D. Many who speak Flemish as their first language also speak French, but few people who speak French as their first language also speak Flemish. Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. Which of the following is the best example of centrifugal forces operating at the local scale as compared to the national or international scale. Despite the rise of supranationalism in Europe from 1955 to 1993, the number of independent political entities increased. Explain Thomas Malthus's population theory. Subscribe to posts. The cultural composition of the Philippines and its constituent islands affects the political stability of the country.

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