Here are a few ideas: Giving away your own music can be a great way to engage your existing fanbase and encourage new listeners to check you out. Beach getaways are generally a good call for most brands, especially those who sell beauty products, swimwear and other clothing or accessories. The easter long weekend is a great chance for a lot of people to take a mini-vacation. Sponsoring giveaways is an effective way to build buzz about products, grow your social media following, and encourage sign-ups to your newsletter. Here some prizes you can give away to give your contest the best chance of success: Giving away a video game you regularly stream will help you attract the attention of users who are interested in the same as you. Health and Fitness blogs can give away workout guides/plans, subscriptions to a fitness service, workout gear, or at-home exercise equipment. 50 Growth Hacks Using Gleam People are generally in good moods and will love the opportunity to win a prize. This will help you drive more action and increase the impact of your contest. For prize draws like the ones advertised on TV – where you can enter by text, postcard or online – every entry will be assigned a reference number and all added to the same database/spreadsheet – eg, let’s say a prize draw received 1000 phone entries, 1000 online entries and 200 postcard entries. This is a great way to find new users who like the game you stream and have an increased likelihood of becoming fans. Small Prize Ideas That Won’t Break the Bank. The prize can be as simple as a plastic key chain or as complicated as a porcelain statue. This will allow you to run a contest which rewards your customers and promotes your higher subscription tiers. Here a few ideas for prizes you can giveaway which will help you reach new audiences and drive action: Whatever service you may offer, giving it away for free is a great way to pique interest in your service and drive some action. Subscriptions to Netflix or other streaming services. With Gleam you can easily set up and administer multiple prizes. You can offer: Another type of experience you can offer as a Mother's Prize is a shopping spree. Travel Giveaway Ideas. What is Best Free Landpage provide that you recommend for Giveaways promotions? But what exactly makes for a good prize? If you're a successful B2B company then the chance to meet a thought-leader or the company's founder can also make for a great prize. Next, let’s look at some industry-specific prize giveaway ideas so you can choose a grand prize that perfectly suits your business. Many companies like Starbucks hold photo contests to promote their products and get more user-generated content. Basically, a gift card means that, in the end, the prize you give away does end up coming back to you. You try reaching out to brands who make products your audience will love and offer to promote their product in your video in exchange for them providing you with a product to give away. Furthermore, this contest type is a great way to drive more traffic to a specific page on your site, like a product or special offer. If you operate in retail then you should be sure to offer vouchers to be redeemed at your own store. You could even throw in some money for shopping trip. Summer is a great time to run a contest. 8 Creative & Unusual Ideas for Your Next Contest or Giveaway. Plus, if your winners enjoy their free subscription they're highly likely to start paying to stay on board once their free subscription expires. It's important to find some exciting products which you know your target audience will like. You could offer personalized products with the winner’s name printed or engraved on them or let the winner choose a custom color or design. Gaming accessories such as headsets, mouses, keyboards, controllers and chairs also make for good prizes. In other words, your contest needs to provide value to their life in some way or another. A Nintendo with some games is a great prize for a nostalgia filled catch up with friends. It doesn't matter how well you've executed every other component of the campaign, if your target market isn’t enthusiastic about winning the prize, they won’t be compelled to enter your contest. You can try offering: If you offer any of these family activities yourself then this is probably the best type of prize you can offer, but it's an outstanding prize for anyone looking to run a summer giveaway. You can even sign it to give it that extra bit of value to help maximise participation. If you want to ramp up the value of your prize try offering a bundle of your products. A giveaway can be a great way to connect with your audience and promote brand loyalty. Gift prizes like this add a personal yet unique touch. Here's what you should do instead. Here are some prizes you can offer to make the most of your festive giveaway: Everyone has lots of shopping to do around the Christmas period, so giving people a free shopping spree is a hugely helpful prize which will get people very excited about your campaign. It’s also worth noting the use of a branded hashtag. This type of prize can be perfect for content creators and service providers who don't have a physical product to offer, but it can be an effective approach for just about anyone. Similar to limited edition products, custom products can be an outstanding way to add exclusivity and value to your prize which is a great way to drive up participation. Let's take a look at some of our favourite times of the year to run seasonal giveaways and go through some fantastic prizes you can offer up. Another approach is to create a list of activities in a collection of locations and allow the winner or winners of your contest to choose their prize from the list. As you can see, choosing good prizes to give away takes a lot of thought. Turn your promotion codes or discount coupons into a revenue-driving engine by incentivising them. This will help you drive loads of entries and put your contest (and stream) in front of a massive audience. How you allow your winner's to customise their prize will largely come down to what product you're offering, but some general ideas are custom embroidery, colour choice, or graphic selection. Prize giveaway ideas create gifts for people who attend a specific event. Giving away an awesome product or bundle with relevance to your subscription service and audience is a great way to grab people attention and encourage entry. If you have an upcoming tour or show then giving away some free tickets can be a great prize which will help you generate interest in both your music and your shows. This would be an especially good Instagram giveaway prize idea for generating UGC with all those spooky photos. Food bloggers can offer up recipe books, kitchen appliances or other pieces of cooking equipment. Some excellent Fall prize ideas include back-to-school packages or tickets to Fall events like a Fall fair. Opening night movie tickets can be a great prize for local businesses. This type of prize is extra effective as getting prize winners in and providing them with a nice, free experience is a great way to encourage them to come back for more and tell their friends. It's because of this that giving away multiple prizes can be a great way to increase participation and drive more action. The uniqueness of this prize is what makes it so appealing, as not just anyone can offer up your expert advice. When you run a partner contest the best prize you can offer is a prize pool made up of products from you and your partners. Learn How to Promote Your Music With Spotify Pre-Save Campaigns. This will get people excited and keep them that way. A brilliant way to inject an extra layer of engagement to your contest or giveaway is rewarding all of its participants with some sort of runner-up or consolation prize. You can offer: Valentine's Day is another outstanding opportunity for running promotional giveaways. We do not sell or share your information with anyone. This is a great opportunity to give away some awesome prizes which entrants could enjoy by themselves or with friends. LLC, Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Sitemap If you’re in the pet industry, holding a contest for animal lovers will get your business a lot of attention as well as generate more sales. This simple giveaway was able to turn thousands of window shoppers into email subscribers and generate over $10,000 in sales. Just remember to include some of your own music in the collection. When you run a contest to promote your blog you won't have any of your own products to give away, so you'll need to find some exciting products your readers will love. The key to driving these actions is offering up an engaging prize which will appeal to the type of users who are likely to enjoy your music. Running a well-executed contest is an undeniably effective strategy, but when it comes to contests the truth is that without an awesome prize you will struggle to get good results. You can match a weekend holiday to your target audience and offer it up as a prize. Ginger bread, candy canes and other Christmas treats. The more your prize embodies the following characteristics, the more success your contest is likely to have. Check out these holiday and season-specific prize ideas: New Year’s is a great time to hold a contest. Further Reading: How to Run a Book Giveaway on Launch Day. Christmas Crackers and other family games. By putting together a prize bundle which is perfectly tailored to your target audience you will be able to appeal to all the right users and drive actions from your target market which will help you grow your online presence. Health Care Providers: For high-end fashion or beauty brands you could offer trips to places like New York, Paris, Milan or London. If you’re planning a giveaway, your prize should be the first thing you decide on. You can include activities such as: If your products don't fit in as a typical Valentine's Day present or prize then it can be a good idea to go in the complete opposite direction and run an "Anti-Valentine's Day" contest which appeals to an audience who doesn't plan on celebrating the holiday. Hosting a giveaway with prizes for children is a great way to target parents in order to build your email list and generate more leads. Another great prize you can offer is a bundle of products which are relevant to your business and target market. You’ve got to promote your giveaway like crazy to ensure as many people see it and enter it as possible. 1. Another way you can make your contest more enticing to enter is by giving a bunch of smaller runner-up prizes in addition to your grand prize. This makes it incredibly easy to broaden your prize pool, offer up unique monthly or weekly prizes, or give away runner-up prizes. We're glad you have chosen to leave a comment. This will encourage everyone who enters the contest to check out your products which will help build interest and drive sales. It’s also a well known that when shoppers get a … If your business involves memberships or subscriptions then offering up some free plans is a great way to encourage entry and build awareness of your offering. Ideally, you want to offer a prize which is valuable enough to make entry worthwhile for every relevant user who comes across your contest. The amount you and your partners contribute to the prize pool is entirely flexible and will depend on how many other brands you're partnering up with and how much everyone is willing to contribute to the contest. When you run a contest you will be able to attract a lot of attention, and by making your own offering the focal point of your campaign you can ensure that this heightened attention is translating to product awareness. 20 Best Prize Ideas For Your Giveaway. If you run a subscription box service then this is a great idea for a prize. The landscape of giveaway ideas for contests is very diverse. Giving away discounts is a brilliant way to encourage users to trial your service and find yourself a new pool of regular customers. Contests are absolutely brilliant, and there may not be a better way to actively engage your audience and generate quality leads. Easter is another fun holiday you can use as the backdrop for a contest or giveaway. How do you run a successful giveaway? If your company designs business cards and other promotional items, this is an easy prize to offer up. This approach can be particularly effective for partnerships between brands producing a product and popular influencers lending their name and style to a special edition product. Adrenaline activities such as skydiving or driving a supercar. This is perfect for finding potential new viewers who are likely to be interested in your stream. A similar prize you can offer is a simple romantic evening out. Summer is a great time for families to get out and do things together, so offering up some family fun with your prize is a sure-fire way to drive participation. The back-to-school period is a great time for brands selling clothes, school supplies or anything targeting families to run a contest. You could offer tickets to local events, or you could offer an all-inclusive trip to the event including flights and accommodation. You might be trying to reach new audiences, promote your products, grow your online following or boost brand loyalty. They partnered with influencers, mostly parents, and asked questions that evoked emotion and touched on how important the holidays are to families. Contest Ideas: A Selfie Contest; Ask people to post a selfie. E-Commerce Prizes If you run an e-commerce business then running a contest or giveaway is a fantastic way to raise awareness, generate leads and drive action. Here are some ideas for summer supplies you can give away: Even if you don't have any of your own products to giveaway a summer bundle still makes for a fun and engaging giveaway prize. This type of prize can work perfectly for content creators without their own product to offer, but it can also be an incredibly effective prize for brands which do have their own product. Then, give a prize to the person with the “best” selfie or pick a winner at random. Coupon You can ship out products before their launch: Or you could give out game keys or other early access codes: Offering early access products can be a particularly good approach if you're a new brand launching for the first time and you want to build hype and get people talking before you go live. A gift card for your business is the perfect giveaway to get new and retain loyal customers. | RafflePress Ribbons. These types of prizes aren't only a great way to engage a relevant audience, they're also perfect for highlighting the importance of your service which can help you pique interest and drum up some business. If you don't want to run a contest which is exclusive to your customers you can still offer the same prize, and provide any winners who aren't already customers with a subscription to your most basic tier. Here some prize ideas to help you make the most of your next contest: Giving away a few months or a years subscription to your service is a great way to put forward an attractive prize which will keep attention on your business and encourage users to check out your offerings or sign up to a free trial if you have one. If your blog has a sizeable following then a lot of brands will be willing to provide you with a prize for your contest in exchange for the publicity and awareness your contest will give them, as well as some actions in the campaign. Let’s take a look at some of the best giveaway prizes for bloggers: Check out this course bundle giveaway example from Morgan Nield which helps people create an online store on Etsy and beyond. Here are some scary good Halloween prize ideas: A bundle of scary movies is a great small prize idea to get people in the Halloween spirit. If you really want to drive up the value of your contest you can even give away VIP or backstage passes. You can use contests and giveaways to drive listens, follows and more across Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube and all of your social media channels. Plus, providing a luxury experience for the grand prize winners can get you more customers. Here are some amazing prize ideas for hospitality businesses that will result in super successful contests: For instance, check out this amazing 8-day Greek vacation for 2 giveaway from Kasandrinos: A free vacation for 2 is the ultimate prize for many people. If parents are the main group attending the raffle, a toy or gift basket could be a good idea. Giving away your own merchandise probably won't attract too many new viewers, but it is an outstanding way to engage your existing audience and encourage them to complete valuable actions. This will help you appeal to a relevant audience and encourage people to give you a listen. To help you get your own powerful contest underway here are some of our favourite prize ideas for your business. Plus, by giving out discount codes to everyone who enters your campaign you will be able to drive sales once your contest has concluded. You're probably looking to promote an offering, reach new users, grow your following and build a relationship with your audience. A great prize for this type of contest is an awesome friends day or night out for guys, gals, or both. Here are some ideas for events you could send winners to with your next contest: The most important thing to consider when giving away event tickets as a prize is who the event will appeal to.

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