It will be a lot easier to manage your fish if you have a bigger aquarium. The minimum tank size for this is about 30 gallons. However, the case is exactly the opposite. If you have a question about keeping Penguin Tetra's then please use our Penguin Tetra help forum. Known to be nippy with long finned fish. Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons; 19. Penguin Tetra native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility. Family Characidae (Characins) | Other names Blackline penguinfish, Boehlke's Penguin Fish, Hockey Stick, Penguin, Penguinfish | Origin South America; Upper Amazon River basin | Breeding Egg scatterer, may produce as much as 1000 eggs. Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons; Lifespan: 3-5 years; Diet: Omnivore; False Penguin Tetras, or Penguin Tetras, are small white fish with a bold, black line running from their gills to the end of their tails. A dark substrate with bushy plants is recommended. * This fishtank will only last for this session - to save your tank please Join/Log in, There are currently no fish in your fish tank. Or search for a different fish using the options presented above. Don't waste your money and endanger your fish! The Penguin Tetra (Thayeria boehlkei) originates from the tributaries, backwaters and flood plains of the upper Amazon basin in Peru and Brazil. Click or tap the images below to view full size images, then click or tap off the image to shrink again. Tank Size. However, they will quickly adjust to commercial based flake, freeze-dried or pellet foods designed for tropical community aquarium fish. CLICK HERE Penguin Tetra. Something around 18″ x 10″ x 10″ in size is fine. The black-line penguin tetra mostly feds on worms and crustaceans. They can be fed bloodworms, tubifex worms or other similar fair as a treat or supplementation to their staple diet. Penguin Tetra. • Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons • Water Conditions: 64-82° F, KH 4-8, pH 5.8-8.5 ... Penguin Tetra are ideally suited for planted aquariums and Amazon biotope community aquariums that feature lots of vegetation, tree root and diffused lighting conditions. They should never be kept with larger species of fish or they will be seen as food and be predated on, they are fine with the small cichlids such as Api… Important: Please check your water type for compatibility with your fish, which can be found on the fish profile information. Helping Fishkeepers With Their Fishkeeping Needs Since 2006, Help us keep great tools like this online by becoming a, Think Fish © 2004-2019 everything you need for your. Place in a spawning tank (20 L or 4 Imp Gal or 5 US Gal) equipped with a protective bgrid and Java moss, 1 male and 3 females. Size is roughly around 1" - 1.25". Rated for 20 gal, its performance in a 10 gal with turtles leads me to believe that it has plenty capability to maintain a 20 gallon with a reasonable stock of fish. Minimum Tank Size. Penguin Tetra Tropical Fish Learn all about the Penguin Tetra's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. The neon tetras are very small fish. Penguine Tetra. Size: Up to 6cm; Fish Tank conditions: PH 6.0 to 8.0. How to properly feed Penguin Tetra and provide a healthy diet. In a 5-gallon fish tank, you can only place seven or less penguin fish. See an example tank as it would show on a user profile with enabled settings and community tanks. Groups of 6 or more are best. The tank should be well-planted but with clear areas where the fish can swim freely. Many hobbyists recognize this species due to their oblique or heads up swimming style that is typical of fish of the genus. However, the Penguin Tetra is a very hardy species that is capable of adapting to a wide variety of aquarium setups. Being a micro predator by nature, the Penguin Tetra is accustomed to feeding on small organisms like small insects, larvae, small crustaceans and worms. You can also give it flake food and small insects. The Penguin Tetra is a beautiful fish with neutral coloration. This is also a good Tetra fish for your Tetra tank. Penguin Tetras make a great addition to any community aquarium. Adult Size: 1.2 inches (3 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 Gallon; Water Temperature: 72 – 82 °F (22-28 °C) Temperament: Peaceful; Lifespan: 5-8 Years; 11. 5.1-7.6cm (2-3 ") sg. The Penguin Tetra is usually olive with a prominent black line running down the lateral into the lower half of the tail fin, and its belly is silver colour. Now, that you know which tetras you can keep in a small aquarium, let’s see how to setup a stable system. They will however live happily in a variety of community aquarium environments provided they are housed with other peaceful community species. While Penguin Tetra can live without issue under bright aquarium lighting, they will be happier in aquariums that have tall plants or floating plants that will diffuse the bright aquarium lights. Color. The Penguin Tetra will accept many small foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia, freeze dried bloodworms and tubifex, micro pellet food, and a high quality flake food. Penguin Tetra. Join 100's of other fish enthusiasts with 1000's of years experience between them caring for and keeping fish like these. Penguin Tetra live in schools of fish that prey on small insects, worms and crustaceans. Good water quality is preferred as these fish can be sensitive to nitrates. The water should have gentle movement. Cardinal Tetra Tropical Fish Learn all about the Cardinal Tetra's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. to login or create an account further down the page below. Thayeria obliqua collected from the wild need soft acidic water, but most specimens seen in tropical fish shops are commercially farmed and can be kept in soft to moderately hard water with a neutral pH of 7.0 or less. Their maximum size once they reach full size is 1,5 inches. Quite easily bred, although you’ll need to set up a separate tank in which to do so if you want to raise any numbers of fry. Add gravel and fish to complete your aquarium; Aquarium Dimensions: 24.2" L x 12.4" W x 16.7" H Profile of the Penguin Tetra This Profile contains interesting facts and information about the Penguin Tetra species. It is generally advised that the minimum tank size for Penguin Tetras should be one of 24 inches in length or more due to the shoaling nature of the species, which will enable a small shoal to move around freely. They sport a unique black stripe that starts just behind the eye and travels the length of the body down through their tail fin. Alternatively, you could cover the base of the tank with some kind of mesh. To save your tank details in the Fish Community Creator you must be logged in People have a big misconception that caring for the tetras will be easier in a small aquarium. The tank should hold at least 10 gallons of water. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Penguin Tetra is the right fish for your aquarium. The Penguin Tetra is especially sensitive to nitrates which is why you need to maintain high water quality. Varying their diet will help ensure that they receive all the vitamins and minerals that they need to maintain a healthy immune system. True Penguin Tetras are … This should be of a large enough grade so that the eggs can fall through it, … Rather than the vibrant tones that you find on many different types of tetras, this species sticks with black and silver. Otherwise they are relatively easy to care for and make a good addition to a community aquarium of similar sized fishes. How to Make a 5-Gallon Tetra Tank Work? Their small size and active swimming nature make them an excellent fit for both smaller nano aquariums and larger planted aquariums. Ideally keep it in higher numbers in a bigger tankthough. If you'd like to talk about the "Penguin Tetra" with our users, then we have a buzzing community of fish enthusiasts where you can talk about tank issues, Penguin Tetra fish behaviour, Penguin Tetra tank stocking and any other issues related to the Penguin Tetra fish or other types you may have. Penguin Tetra. Penguins are a good beginner fish as they are quite hardy and peaceful, though they will nip at the fins of slow moving tank mates. The penguin eats standard flake foods and will enjoy the occasional live brine shrimp. Also, the Penguin Tetra is a popular Tetra fish between the Tetra varieties. 10 gallon. Overall though the Penguin Tetra makes an excellent addition to any tropical community aquarium or community Amazon biotope. Easy. You are in the thinkfish community creator for the Penguin Tetra fish species, you can learn all about how the tool works in assessing fish tank mate compatibility at the link provided or use the tool tips provided to guide you. Create a test fish community that includes the Penguin Tetra species and any other types of fish or crustacean you'd like to introduce - You can assess the best companions, tank size suitability, stocking levels based on filter type and volume and possible negative interactions and warnings as you build up your aquarium. Penguin Tetras are a peaceful schooling species that do best in larger groups of 10 or more individuals. Tetra Whisper Air Pump 20 To 40 Gallons, For aquariums, Quiet, Powerful Airflow ... Marineland Rite-Size Penguin Power Filter Cartridges ... (you can use the water you siphon out of your fish tank during water changes). This fish also easy to care and a peaceful fish to add into your aquariums. They do great in planted tanks with driftwood, rocks and other decor that mimic its natural environment. You should keep your tetra fish in a group of 5 or more, and a 10 gallon should hold 5-8 tetras. They get up to 6 cm and have low demands on the water as long as it is clean and the temperature between 22 and 26 degrees. 57 Litres (15 US G.) Size. Marginally acidic water is … They make an excellent addition to soft water community aquariums and are candidates for a jungle biotope style tank setup. White, Yellow. Please do check your water type for compatibility with your fish, which can be found on the Penguin Tetra information box above and your local water company providers website. In the case of false penguin tetras, your tank size must be around 24 inches in length. The penguin tetra originally comes from western Brazil and Peru, but nowadays there is practically only captive bred sold. Penguin Tetra - Aquarium Setup. Thayeria boehlkei. Many schooling species like the Penguin Tetra will exhibit fin nipping behavior, which is normal in a group of schooling fish. Tank Size. The Penguin Tetra comes from the rivers of South America. Title: Candy Cane Tetra Difficulty: Easy Temperament: Peaceful Common Names: Ornate Tetra Max Size: 1-2” Foods: Flakes, Pellets, Arctic Pods, Blood Worms, Brine Shrimp Latin Name: Hyphessobrycon bentosi Plant Safe: Yes Min Tank Size: 20 gallons.

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