The Alpine is shorter, but in coloring it's intermediate between Nordic and Mediterranean races. Recent studies reveal that this particular group is an admixture between the Mediterranean and the Alpine. The Nordic Race: Examples of Corded Predominance. Mediterranean race. ORIGIN. Mediterranean race is shown in yellow; green indicates the Alpine race; bright red is the Nordic race. First row: Basic White, Classic Mediterranean; Second row: Nordic-Iranian, Dinaric-Mediterranean; Third row: Mixed Alpine, Alpine Literary Evidence It is sometimes mentioned that ancient literature provides evidence for the significant existence of Nordics in ancient Hellas. Arabs are the most Mediterranean people. The Mediterranean is much older than the Nordic. This Mediterranean undertone in England and elsewhere in the Isles (the Alpine being comparatively absent) gave sparks of imagination and artistic impulse to the dynamic and dominant Nordic element. To the south lie the Mediterraneans, centering about the Mediterranean Sea as the Nordics do about the Baltic. It is probably a composite race made up of two or more basic Mediterranean strains, depigmented separately or in conjunction by a progressive evolutionary process. The Alpine is shorter, but in coloring it's intermediate between Nordic and Mediterranean races. It is believed that the people of Mediterranean race were more superior to the Nordic race in terms of artistic ability. The Mediterranean skull shape can be long or round. The Nordic race is a partially depigmented branch of the greater Mediterranean racial stock. Plate 27. In Germany, Britain and the USA, it became common for " white supremacists " to promote the merits of the light-colored hair, light-colored eyes Nordic race as the most advanced of human population groups: the " … There are other sub groupings of the White Race, but these are generally mixed types - for example the Dinarics (found in Poland especially) who have light hair and eyes but the round skulls of the Alpine - the product of a Nordic - Alpine mix. Arabs are the most Mediterranean people. The Mediterranean is much older than the Nordic. Apparently the Nordic came from the Mediterranean but is much lighter and taller. The Alpine race was usually regarded as inferior to both the Nordic and Mediterranean races, making up the traditional peasant class of Europe while Nordics occupied the aristocracy and led the world in technology, and Mediterraneans were regarded as more imaginative. Apparently the Nordic came from the Mediterranean but is much lighter and taller. Compared to Deniker, Ripley advocated a simplified racial view and proposed a single Teutonic race linked to geographic areas where Nordic-like characteristics predominate, and contrasted these areas to the boundaries of two other types, Alpine and Mediterranean, thus reducing the 'caucasoid branch of humanity' to three distinct groups. The people of the Mediterranean race were characterized by dark hair, dark eyes and moderate to short stature. The Armenoids exhibit a considerable amount of Classical Mediterranean, Alpine, Nordic and Indo-Afghan racial elements in them. They were below the Nordic race and above the Alpine race in the racial hierarchy of Germany. Between the Nordics and Mediterraneans thrusts the Alpine race, stretching from Russia and the Near East clear across mid-Europe until its outposts reach the Atlantic Ocean in … When did this broad category of races appear?

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