And even if he hasn't had a girlfriend, it doesn't automatically mean he … Hi there, my brother is 33 and he has never had a girlfriend, as far as I know of. Hi all, I've just recently had a heart-to-heart chat with my adult DS. MYson is 30 and still lives at home with me. I'm a father of a 21.5 year old son. I can understand why some might not be so bothered by it as they may prefer their individuality. It so new to me that my 19 y/o son doesn’t talk to me anymore. This means that since January 26 this year he has planted, er, 3,000 trees. A guy once said to me, women age like roses and men like wine - so - remain … Is it a problem that a young man as described above has never had a girlfriend? Last modified on Sat 25 Nov 2017 03.06 EST I ’m 35 and I’ve never had a girlfriend. Died last year aged 20/18/17, there Dad moved in with me so they could all be together, my now husband of 6 months has had a fall out with my son both nearly fighting and me in the middle my husband saying your just like your Dad to my son. He talks one-to-one, but not in a group, so we hadn't talked that much, but when I broke my … My son has now temporarily moved to his Sisters, as they both saying they can’t live together, my husband feels my son … If you will look back at the lessons I tried to impart and find value in them or if you will throw them all aside and see them as meaningless rubbish held by a man who had no real idea about the world. T o my son,. everyone finds the right time for them to become intimately connected to another. He just doesn't seem to be moving on with his life. Women under 30 tend to solely want guys for how much they make and how much they can be spoiled, etc. My son is 21 and has never had a girlfriend. I don't know what's wrong. Unfortunately, as I do not have a spare room in my house I did not have the luxury of giving his girlfriend … Don’t assume you’ll never see your child again just because your 20-something son or daughter wants nothing to do with you this year. Hi everyone. He´s never even had a date to our house. I don’t have problems with talking to girls and I am not very shy or bad looking. He has been on one date in his life but that did not work out for one reason or another. You over think too much and don’t take more proactive action 4. My son is shy to a certain extent but not overly so. But for me, it’s felt horrible, I’ve considered suicide over it. If your son has never been in a relationship, try to convince him of the importance of being in one. I loved his girlfriend. 1 0. What do I do? [Read: 9 … I've never dated myself (and I turn 25 in 18 days.) So pluck up the courage and try! 10 years ago. Originally, it was due to religious reasons. My brother is 18 and has never had a real girlfriend either, but he isn't gay. I am starting to think that maybe he is gay. You don’t approach many women 3. You need confidence to even ask a girl out in the first place. Anonymous. mirror. He has said he feels like the odd one out … Maybe it has something to do with my … all that … He came out to dinner with the family, and we went on many dates. My son has never had a girlfriend, has never mentioned any girls. One day, a girl said she wanted to go to a dance with him, which would have been his first date. it may be tomorrow or never. Im 30 and have never had a girlfriend I didnt think I would get to this age and nothing happen but there you go, in my teens I thought it may happen in my twenties but it never did. He worked as a crane operator in the far east and invested nearly all his money in our home country and had a small fortune by the time he died. I thought this may change when he started university (he still lives at home) but he mainly … Hi all, My son is now 29 years old and has never had a girlfriend. Also another reason why I don't want to have my first girlfriend when I get old is because when I reach my 30's and beyond, I am still going to be attracted to women that are like 10 years … Men lose interest in women for a number of reasons. As you stated, people are just shallow. I am starting to think that maybe he is … Dates to the prom and such, sure. Some factors come naturally while others develop with time. No, it’s not normal at all if… 1. The thing is that you aren't in his shoes, for all you know he could have had 5 girlfriends that he just didn't want to introduce to you or for you to know about. I weigh 132 pounds and I'm not muscular. But he knew me through college, and had liked me for months. (Sort of a nice guy, typical jock, never physically or emotionally hurtful) No one in my family told me they didn't like the guy, and we dated for 5 months. I have a son who lives on his own, has a good job, money in the bank, but has never been on a date. My son is 22 and has never had a girlfriend and is a virgin still what is wrong with him is he gay? EDIT: BTW, my middle son is 19 and he's never had a girlfriend, either. My son sat and said nothing to my defensive. But not, to my knowledge, a romantic relationship, ever. I think he missing out on a lot. • “I’m a 25-year-old virgin. He's just REALLY shy usually, and doesn't get out to meet new people much. I seem to bring out the worst in women meaning in cryptic and negative comments, my sister doesn't help either with her strange … My son is 17 and has never had a girlfriend. When my son who was at the time 17 years old asked if his girlfriend could stay the night, I will admit I was a little unprepared for the question.Of course I was not overjoyed by the thought of my son having a girl staying the night and especially not in the same room! After my step daughter moved in with us, i gave her an ultimatum that she either go to college, go to work, or go to a therapist. dont worry. She chose to go to college, and will finish this April. My grand uncle had lost his wife and son in a car accident in 1990s and had been alone ever since, although he used to come to family gatherings. It's not like I have a low self-esteem or something- I'm a confident man, not shy with a good sense of humor, big circle of friends and a supporting … 2. C'mon, since I have never had a girlfriend, it is going to be much harder for me now since I am inexperienced and I am getting old. I think often of the legacy I leave for you. Lately I have started … My son likes girls but I think he is afraid of them. AT 30, SON'S NEVER HAD A GIRLFRIEND. I am afraid that I would not be a good kisser or lover. I'm 20 years old, and I never had a girlfriend. you have gone through 12 years or schooling possibly 4 plus years of college for a total of 16 years almst 6000 days of interaction with the opposite sex and no girlfriend. He was at my house a lot, and I was at his. Again and again, if necessary. And by telling me that you’ve never had a girlfriend and just “can’t figure out why,” I can tell right away that you’ve already lost confidence in your ability to get one, and that’s just not attractive. I have never had a girlfriend and, because of my age, I am already afraid to commit myself. I wonder how memory will color me in your eyes. As a 25 year old never had a boyfriend straight virgin who seems to cross paths with many open and lonely guys on Tinder, I'd say as a guy you have a very good 10+ years to go before you should start worrying about being 'unattractive'. Coming from the child standpoint, my parents know they're never going to meet any of my boyfriends unless it's serious. He is feeling a bit despondent about his lack of success in finding a girlfriend. It's more than likely not your son's fault. No, I don't think you should intervene with him. This is why high class men get all the … I'm 25, have dated a lot with several multi-year relationships, and they've only met one of my boyfriends post-high school. I don't know what's wrong. And my current boyfriend had never had a girlfriend before me. I’m 27, and have never had a girlfriend. Given how that ended, at this point they would not likely meet a … At his age, I had multiple relationships and he still has never had a single one. My problem is fear. It's really no big deal. A guy who doesn’t show interest in girls doesn’t mean that she has never been in a relationship before or the … At his age, I had multiple relationships and he still has never had a single one. I turned 27 at the beginning of this year in January, and i'm still single, never had a girlfriend, seriously, although the pain of not having had a girlfriend yet has been painful and frustrating for me for a while, I feel it started hitting the crisis point in my mind, self-esteem wise once I reached 25. He sounds like a mighty fine son, me personally I'd be concerned if my young son was mortgaged upto his eyeballs, with a pile of kids to a girl he met at school at such a tender age.I want my boy and my daughter to live a little, he also sounds self sufficient, looks after himself, he works and has friends, he's doing great. Also I found the gay song "Livin La Vida Loca" on his iPod. Currently, this girl is your age and never left the home between the age of 19 and 25. He is currently in his first serious relationship. She asked him to meet her there but she showed up with another guy … Share ; Subscriptions; Sign Out; By. I stayed in the city he lived in … Out of nowhere last August she tells me that I am a horrible mother and that I have ruined my sons life. singingsongbird Sun 28-Feb-16 14:53:31. When he was in high school, he was bullied very badly. You expect to have a girlfriend and you did fuck all about it. He has a degree and a decent job and goes out regularly on weekends with his mates (many of whom have … I thought he was just late a few years ago but now he's 22 and never had a girlfriend he says it's too painful for him to talk to girls so he doesn't bother anymore, that is stupid I told him and I told him he's missing out … Before she came into the picture my son and I had … Eventually his true colors came through and we broke …

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