Because He is. After you activate this channel, you will feel God like never before. If you stay in union with Him, He’ll take care of everything else.”. Suddenly, another ho-hum day of chasing little kids and trying to keep up with the housework is transformed into a series of exciting opportunities to be involved in God’s purposes here on earth! You can find your god more easily than you might expect because your god is also seeking you. Awesome ideas in these comments–keep ’em comin’! Pray through the fruit of the Spirit, one each week; ask God to cultivate that characteristic in you through specific events in your life that week (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) Knowing that daily communion doesn’t always have to be so deep is very freeing to me. Many people are not aware of this. The Bible says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). Guilt doesn’t help to rebuild a connection with God, it helps to reinforce and justify the reason for the disconnection. Here are three ways you can stay connected to God… every day… all the time. What about read Gods words deliberately, deeply & daily? It’s available to you and to me...if we will make our union with God the most important thing in our lives. Moving along a path where we learn to dance with life, go with the ebb and flow of our human existence, and most of all feel connected and supported by that greater power around us (God, Oneness, Spirit, The Universe, whatever your name for it may be). Realize that you are GOD, asking how to connect with GOD. All they had to do was to trust [believer in] Him to save them. Stay Connected to God by PrayingIt’s time to talk directly to God. The stronger your knowing that source is always with you – because it is you, and you are it – the better you’ll feel. One of the easiest ways to reconnect with God is to simply talk to him throughout the day. You are part of the Creator in material form. As you know, I’ve been through some pretty tough times. Think how wonderful it would be to have such harmony with God that you knew what He wanted you to do and your prayers were answered every time. my “#29”: pandora “country hymns” genre while everyone out of the house. You’ll never get an answer to prayer unless you ask! No Wonder We Have Trouble Feeling God This being the case, no wonder it seems so difficult for so many people to feel connected to God. Thank You….. Go for a hike and use nature to guide you in prayer. Seeking His instructions and guidance is the BEST way to get reconnected. FEELING CONNECTED TO GOD. Instead of relying on anyone else to tell you what God wants for your life, start a direct conversation with Him. – Isaiah 64:… However in general people feel disconnected with God for the following reasons: 1. It’s pretty simple, really. “There is nothing very complicated that you have to do to connect with the Divine. Take a walk, go on a run, or take a bike ride while you pray. Any day of the year, we're here for you! Pray in a way that feels most natural to you. I realized how many different ways there are to praise God. You feel closest to God on a hike, sitting beside a brook or river, or simply being outside. Focus on the feeling of your breath and imagine every time you inhale that you are connected to tree roots and breathing in energy in which will … I held my arms up and gazed in love at those around me. After the kids are in bed, head out to a coffee shop for your devotions just to make it special. Below are simple ways I’ve tried to stay more connected to our Lord throughout the course of the day: 1. I’ve given even more tips on habits for spiritual growth in How to Draw Near to God After Tragedy. Don’t miss a single MomLife Today post!Subscribe by email. Use your hands to do something quiet and mindless: Crochet. I’m so happy that I could make this video for y’all. Tell Him your concerns. If you’re feeling disconnected, then it’s up to you to heed the soft prompting of the Holy Spirit and do what’s necessary to strengthen your connection with God. Perhaps the most direct way to connect to God is to perform a mitzvah – give tzedakah, visit someone who is sick, say Shema, mark the Sabbath. If you need to learn more about prayer, check out Kenneth Copeland’s series on prayer in Believers’ Academy. Pray Also Powerful Prayer of Gratitude – Giving Thanks. Turn Thoughts Into Prayer Often times, I find myself thinking of my to-do list in the middle of my daily chores. Keep a spiritual book you’re interested in for days when you can’t focus. They feel like they're out of it. I crave these “drink deeply” times, but feeling like I have to have one every day makes me frantic. Feeling a strong connection is always about perception. Tell Him what is on your mind. You are in sin and have become a slave of sin (Romans 6:22-23) - You need to examine your life. And, believe that what you ask will be answered (Matthew 21:22). I dont know you at all and you have not told us about yourself. 2. It’s the easiest thing to feel but the most unproductive in regaining our connection with God because… God does not function in our guilt. God has made certain that we have everything we need to connect and communicate with Him. . Part of the answer comes from realizing more about what you are. Again. It means you feel as if you already knew them even from the first moment you met. Give us the strength Lord, to overcome any situation that we feel we cannot handle. No less than the prophet Isaiah himself cried out in despair, “God where are your dramatic, awe-inspiring works of God in my day?” He had heard of “times past” when God would “rend the heavens and come down,” when people “quaked in God’s presence.” But where was that God now, Isaiah asked? Categories When we seek Him, we will find Him. So when you know there’s something that’s taking you away from God, disconnect from it mercilessly. © 1997 - 2021 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Stay Connected to God by Stopping All CompromiseRefuse to allow the things of the world—material possessions, career position, sinful pursuits, ungodly relationships or social standing—to eat away at your time with God. Life is beautiful now. However, after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2006, her life’s direction took a different course. As believers in God, we all know that building a normal relationship with God in order to get closer to God and receive more of the Holy Spirit’s work is crucial. Truly, everything you do, you should seek input from the Lord. Some people pray by closing their eyes, clasping their hands, and bowing their heads. Open pistachios. Create positive, rewarding memories for your time with God that help you unwind! Create a “drink deeply” time once a week, where you really set aside time to just enjoy God and not feel rushed by the next appointment on your list. So here are a few suggestions to help you be still and know. As always, if you need a partner to agree with you in prayer, please call our prayer ministers at 1-817-852-6000 or submit a prayer request. One of the best ways to acknowledge God’s presence is to sing or listen to praise and worship music. Kenneth Copeland Ministries' mission is to minister the Word of Faith, by teaching believers who they are in Christ Jesus; taking them from the milk of the Word to the meat, All rights reserved. The world has never been more connected. The Divine Self, or the Higher Self, as it is also known, is a belief held by Hindus and New Age thought alike. If you live near a worship place that offers seeker-sensitive worship meetings, you could start there, but even songs and worship bring 'a message'. God is the “I AM”; always present in the eternal “now.” Read the Word – Find the Words of Jesus and His Good News (Gospels and Epistles). I see god inside every persons and help them if any needy person is on front of me according to my possibility and pray for all human being keep them healthy and their mind should be calm and directed towards the positive things . Get His Word into your heart so deeply that no one else’s opinion is important. Hey babies! And the more we dwell on it, the more the enemy builds a stronghold in our life. I meant to imply that someone else would stay at home with children–I definitely don’t advocate them staying at home alone, even for the sake of connecting with God :). Not just a verse! Share God’s Word Please share your practical ideas that help you connect with God—especially on days when life seems poised to shut out what’s/Who’s most important. Loved the idea of #11, but it would be illegal (not to mention irresponsible) to put my kids to bed & leave the house to go to the coffee shop. I have moved far away from my life in the doldrums. If there is a negative thought that makes you heart bitter, then don’t dwell on those situations. Take your Bible outside each day and walk through the study “Discovering God in Creation.” Allow nature to teach you about God’s existence. The answer, while deeply philosophical, is simple. Kids all around the world are texting each other on cell phones – even in the midst of jungles. Since we are creatures of habit (by God’s design), what we often need are habits and routines (which is a word we’re really scared of) to help us remember God because most of us feel like we can get by on our own most of the time. Companies are laying millions of miles of fiber optics and shooting satellites into space. How to start feeling God’s presence in your life. I sing some god related songs and remind the the god. 10 Ways to Experience More of God’s Presence,Whitney Hopler - Read more about spiritual life growth, Christian living, and faith. I’m in love with #23. Ask for what you need and even what you want. By Qingxin. Rufus Moseley, a great man of God who went to heaven some years ago, once said, “Life in Jesus is gloriously easy. According to these beliefs, the Divine Self is the Self that exists at an even higher level than the soul; it is in every human being ever born. God never leaves us. Make sure you interact with what you’re reading. Spend time declaring the names of God in prayer. Naomi, thanks for the chance to clarify. There’s that desire… which on days like these, can start to feel like pressure… to have pacified souls like Mary though our lives are shouting, full of Martha demands. Absorb the words of the songs, sing them back to God as if He were there with you. You are standing at the heart and center of Creation, just like everyone else. by Dr. Lawrence Wilson January 2014, L.D. Plz play 4 me, Everyone expexts and demands things without thinking of the other person for a while I have been struggling with my faith but everyone wants to be heard but nobody wants to hear me This really helped me out allot I really really needed this you dont know how much you helped me Thank you. You’re able to keep that vital connection and trust Him to take care of everything else. I see the god on every work and try to complet that work on better way with my full effort. You’ll have a direct conduit to Source so you can connect to that power and love on your own, and the more you can open this channel, the better and stronger that connection will be. How about you? When you incorporate these steps into your life, staying connected to God is delightfully simple. Yet I talk to people all the time who feel more and more disconnected. You can find your god on a very limited quantity of faith, as small as a tiny mustard seed. love this. and from religion to reality. love this, need this, thank you!! According to Jesus, that kind of prayer power is available to every believer. Stay Connected to God by Accepting Jesus’ LoveJohn 14:21 says, “Whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him.” You don’t have to be shy about your relationship with the Father. Thank you for this exhaustive list of ideas! When you stay connected to God—closely united with your heavenly Father—all the power of heaven is at your disposal. Blaming God … These helps are so good to help us full fill God’s command to “pray without ceasing”… Instead of relying on anyone else to tell you what God wants for your life, start a direct conversation with Him. You can be confident of God’s love for you and His desire to bless you. my “#29”: pandora “country hymns” while everyone else out of the house. (Deuteronomy 4:29, Matthew 7:7). It has one responsibility: the responsibility of remaining in union. God already knows all about your struggles, but He longs for you to pray about things that are important to you—big or small. You are so open, so very open. Tell Him what is on your mind. Sometimes I feel disoriented and sad. Faith, Tags Again, this is best, but, wherever you are in your life’s activities, stop – and take a few moments to connect with God through a small verse of Scripture, God’s Word. Stay Connected to God by Praying It’s time to talk directly to God. Connect … I spoke to God, kissed my crucifix and pictured myself embracing Jesus. John 1:12 – To all who received Him, He gave the right to become children of God. How can we hope to experience God if we don’t even feel … Orit Esther Riter born in Brooklyn, New York, a caterer by profession. Take a bubble bath or a hot shower. Sign up to receive MomLife Today updates including blog post roundups and other helpful resources. Plug your headphones into some worship music, and. Need help? The word “ mitzvah ” comes from the word “ tzavta ” which means attachment. I learned that night that there are many ways I feel connected to God. Another strong reason people don’t feel connected to God is feeling God hurt them when a tragedy occurred and blaming God, such as, when a loved one died or even when they don’t believe God causes bad things to happen to good people…they question if God really loved me why didn’t He protect me or my loved ones or if God is All Powerful why didn’t He protect me/ux. Fear • God help • help God • mom help • Prayer. It is possible to feel a certain type of love or connectedness with the Creator, God or the Source Of All most of the time. need this. He cries out in dismay, You have hidden your face from us. 1) Don’t feel guilty: Its the wrong emotion to feel in this moment. The greatest saints in the Bible often felt the absence of God. Wilson Consultants, Inc. My burning question is, how can I feel God-Spirit-Soul more deeply?” The Voice for Love: “Dearest Beloved Soul, thank you so much for presenting your dear heart and mind to Spirit. I recently (re)discovered that listening to worship music and contemporary Christian music with inspiring lyrics (those that encourage an eternal, Kingdom perspective) does wonders for my outlook on life. You feel a deep connection that drives you to this person and makes you feel a deep connection with that person and often, it’s a feeling … Glad you caught it. Brush the dog. Make one of your favorite snacks or a great cup of tea or coffee. (Please comment with your own ideas, too!). We’ve all been there: those “I Know This Is My Quiet Time But My Brain/To-Do List/Kid Feels Very LOUD” moments. I don’t trust myself when it comes talking with God,I always pray about something bad I do 4 God to take me away from them I end up going back! The Bible has your answer, choose a topic below. Stay connected to God and He will stay connected to you. About mindset and belief. thank you! Some people pray by fully prostrating themselves on the ground, and bowing. Check out A Praying Life by Paul Miller for ideas to … Pray for the needs of others. Knowing divine guidance is within you – constantly – is a wonderful feeling. Each of us has forms of prayer that unite us to God in a unique and special way. Proactively, make sure you’re getting plenty of rest at night. This is the subject of this short article. If you just can’t seem to stop your brain, make a commitment to yourself—even put it on your calendar or to-do list—to. Lovely idea, but not with a 9-, 7-, and 2-year-old. I apologize for the miscommunication!

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