If the eye were smaller and the fins chopped as they were it would indicate poor water quality, ammonia will often do this to the fins of angel fry. The delivery of high-frequency alternating currents has been shown to produce a focal and reversible conduction block in whole nerve and is a potential therapeutic option … Angelfish in your aquarium getting angry? Forked ventral fins; Male Angelfish generally grow faster than female ones. I would not use the fish in any breeding projects you may undertake but other wise is normal in all other respects. Today the other older Angelfish started the same thing. Control over postinjury CNS plasticity is a major frontier of science that, if conquered, would open new avenues for treatment of neurological disorders. The so-called whiskers located just … My poor Platy's tail was half bitten off will it grow back with TLC?! Leopard Angelfish – instead of stripes like the zebra, the leopard angelfish have distinct brown and black spots. The caudal and pectoral fins are also yellow, while the ventral fins are yellow on a female, and white on the male. On the juvenile one of the ventral fins is very bent. Will angelfish ventral fins grow back? Bad breeding or to put in other words a genetict defect. I treated him with Melafix. The male Angelfish also have slightly different body shape from the female. Thanks also do u know how long itl take for the fins to grow back mostly concerned about the ventral fin. Multiple posts on the same subject are not allowed and can get you reported. Not all Angels show this division of the ventral fins but I've seen it in many of them. It would be challenging for Angelfish to cope with without their ventral fish. You might try some of the Melafix. Those need to be addressed quickly and neither melafix nor pimafix (you'll find that one eventually, it's a very weak anti fungal) will have any effect on a real infection. this bending is only occurring in 1 of the angelfish out of a group of 14. The reason this happens is currently unknown, but some fish experts have made educated guesses. It is all natural and repairs damaged fins and open wounds. Trust me been there done that. They're mainly preventative, and I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean. They can be found swimming in and about sea whips, sea fans and corals. The ventral fins are yellow on a female and white on the male. It will grow back. © 2005-2019 Monsterfishkeepers.com. There are a lot of great folks here and a tremendous amount of information. I have never breed a batch of Angels that didn't have a few deformed specimens as stated above, most don't servive but if it's minor the defect goes unnoticed until the fish are much larger as in your case. The male angelfish are more circular than the female ones, and the male’s fin is forked, contrary to the female’s. I have never breed a batch of Angels that didn't have a few deformed specimens as stated above, most don't servive but if it's minor the defect goes unnoticed until the fish are much larger as in your case. Altum Angelfish (Pterophyllum altum)Altum Angelfish. http://www.myaquariumclub.com/broken-vetral-fin-on-angelfish-2169274.html#216973. He was my favorite so I am glad that he grew them back. The saltwater Angelfish have slanted anal and dorsal fish. Try changing their water less often. The silver body, overcast with blue, has numerous … Thank You Angelfish Queen Angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris) Queen angelfish are blue to greenish blue, have a dark blue spot in the middle of the forehead and yellow rims on the scales, ventral and pectoral fins. When the fish ate I noticed that there was marked redness along the front third of the dorsal fin with tissue loss, an area of hemorrhage but no ulceration in the right abdominal area behind the right pectoral fin and red streaking of the right ventral fin and moderate PopEye both eyes. Thanks in advance for understanding and good luck with you angels. I'm deleting this recent thread, since there's no real information in it:http://www.myaquariumclub.com/help-angelfish-fins-are-fin-nipped-will-they-grow-back-plz-help-21728217.html#217296. Also, it allows them to make sharp turns and bring themselves to a precise halt. Your fishes fins will grow back but it will be from clean water not from the melafix. (2 cory cats, 6 neons, 2 danios, 2 small koi angels-new) I just did a 75% water change … There is a reason for this. Please don't start another topic on this subject. With daily or bidaily pwc's any fungal or bacterial attacks will be kept at bay. When they do seem to work, it's very hard to tell if there was any real effect because good tank hygiene was usually started at the same time and almost all diseases are caused by dirty water. Angelfish fin rot or had fins bitten off help please!? Given optimal water conditions and enough room the dorsal and anal fins will be straight or at most show a gentle rearward curve. What causes bent ventral fins? The three vertical black stripes can fade or darken depending on the mood of the fish. In some instances it is attainable to intercourse an angelfish primarily based on the scale of the tube situated between its ventral and anal fins, however, this isn’t a really dependable methodology. The Passer Angelfish can grow to over a foot in length so it requires at least a 250 gallon aquarium. Im not sure who the culprit is but one of t... Stunting - Do fish like Goldfish grow only to the size of their tank? If you have any questions about how to navigate the site and they aren't answered in the FAQ section, don't hesitate to PM one of the mods or admins. They are quite easy to care for but do not react well to wide/inconsistent variations in water chemistry.

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